I share my first article published in @San Telmo Business School on the importance of diversity and the inclusion of diverse talent in companies,
In my opinion, diversity, together with digitalization and sustainability, is a lever for the cultural transformation that we inevitably need to activate if we want to build more robust, empathetic and profitable companies in the long term.
In this article I address the advantages of favoring diverse and inclusive environments in companies, and the opportunities that this strategy offers to organizations.
These advantages and opportunities are:
1. Innovation and adaptability.
2. Attraction and retention of the best talent.
3. Better understanding of an increasingly diverse customer and consumer base.
4. Greater access to investors and funds
5. Better preparation to internationalize your business.
I leave you in link to the full article (in Spanish). https://www.santelmo.org/uploads/santelmo/wysiwyg-editor/28/IMPORTANCIA%20DE%20LA%20DIVERSIDAD%20Y%20LA%20INCLUSION.pdf
I will be happy to comment with you and share more ideas!
!! Contact me!! https://myriamalcaide.com/contacto/