This week I have been invited to two events that have energized me: the first one, at ESADE inspiring the next women leaders’ generation and, the second one, at Grupo Pelayo to raise awareness about the importance of diversity.
ESADE: Ambassador at Poyecto Progresa
I was in @ESADE accompanying the students of @ProyectoProgresa,This program is focused on promoting the talent of professionals at the pre-managerial level. As an alumni of @Proyecto Promociona, I am an ambassador for the program. Invited by CEOE, I have participated as an ambassador in the sessions with the new promotions of @ProyectoProgresa. In these meetings, we try to inspire and “mentor” this generation of professional women. We encourage them to make the most of this program, to take ownership of their careers and to overcome those barriers that we often impose on ourselves.
I loved breathing again that atmosphere of collaboration, generosity and enthusiasm that spread the “Promociona Spirit” and the “Progresa Spirit”.
Webinar at Grupo Pelayo
This week was busy. Thanks to @Susana Pérez de #Red EWI, I was invited to hold a webinar for Grupo Pelayo employees
The objective was twofold:
- Explain the actions carried out by the initiative #Red EWI to achieve its goal of reaching 40% of women managers in the insurance sector by 2023.
- Expose the advantages of diversity in organizations and the barriers that still exist for women to progress professionally. I also gave some keys to what can be done on a personal and professional level to generate inclusive environments in organizations and to self-empower. And of course, highlight the so important and necessary role of men inside and outside organizations to close the gender gap. The session fell short as we could have talked for hours about this topic
I loved listening to @Inmaculada Cesar from @Grupo Pelayo giving aa so forceful, clear and encouraging message to Grupo Pelayo employees…. AT PELAYO WE CAN…..a great example for everyone.
As you can tell, although I promote DIVERSITY in inclusion of talent in all its dimension, this week I have focused on gender …. I hope to be able to start talking in other forums about the importance of managing generational diversity, diversity of sexual orientation, diversity of origin, functional diversity etc….
Happy to talk and share with you about this topic. Contact me on
#SoyPromociona #SoyProgresa #RedEWI @Grupo Pelayo